Rail Trail Passport

The perfect souvenir booklet that tells the history of each former Railway Station Site. The proceeds of the Otago Central Rail Trail Official Passport is used for the development and enhancement of the 152 kilometre Rail Trail experience.

Collect Stickers As You Go

At each station site a red-painted replica of a NZ Railways Department emergency phone box houses a sketch that matches to a sticker in your Passport. Record your journey by placing the sticker into the corresponding station site.

Our on-going enhancements along the Trail rely on the Passport Sales each year which is complimented by our volunteer labour.

Please help us to continue to our work by purchasing a Passport for $15.00, an increase from $12.50 after some 10 years. We are currently working on installing replica type Stations on the abandoned sites, along with more seating, information signs along with native plantings as part of our beautification projects along the Trail.

Get Your Passport 

Please purchase your Passport at the start of your journey from a Cycle Tour or Bike Hire business.  

Alternatively, you can purchase your Passport by emailing admin@otagocentralrailtrail.co.nz. and we will send you an invoice followed by your Passport after payment.

The Passport provides a wonderful record of your journey and is a greatly appreciated contribution from your group to the Trail. Thank you. 

We welcome your support and have a great experience!!!