The unique Rail Trail experience is created by the blend of physical and social components. Each Stakeholder, every Trail Community, all Service Providers and each Trail User plays an important part in its success.

Otago Central
Rail Trail Trust
The OCRT Trust was formed in 1994 with representatives from local businesses and communities to raise funds for the development and ongoing enhancements of the Rail Trail.

Department of Conservation
The Department of Conservation has worked in partnership with the Otago Central Rail Trail Trust since the formation of the Trust. They administer the Rail Trail as a recreation reserve under the Reserves Act and maintain and manage the infrastructure along the Trail.

Nga Haerenga - The
New Zealand Cycle Trail
The New Zealand Cycle Trail’s genesis dates back to a government ‘jobs summit’, early in 2009. The idea was to build a network of world-class cycle trails that would not only provide a safe and sustainable way to explore New Zealand’s special places, but also generate lasting economic, social and environmental benefits for surrounding communities.

Otago Central Rail
Trail Business Network
The Otago Central Rail Trail Business Network supports the growth and development of businesses positioned along the Otago Central Rail Trail between Middlemarch and Clyde.

Tourism Central
Otago (TCO)
TCO’s primary role is to promote the whole Central Otago visitor experience. TCO provides a marketing and liaison role for the Trail through all its core marketing material promoting the Rail Trail in both domestic and international markets.

Enterprise Dunedin
Dunedin is a beginning and completion destination for the Otago Central Rail Trail, and is seen as a significant component of the Trail. Enterprise Dunedin is interested in the city’s role as a hub for the cycle trails that are being developed regionally that can theme and connect with the Otago Central Rail Trail.
Friends of the Trail
Over the years the Trail has been supported by individuals, groups and businesses who give freely their time and energy in support of the Trail.
John Gibson
Patron of the Otago Central Rail Trail Trust, John was an original Trustee and contributed many long hours to Trail. John is a practical personal and these skills have been of great value to the Trail over the years.

Image Central
Clare Toia Bailey has been a member of the OCRT Team since 2013. Over a number of years now Clare has also supported the Trail with fantastic photos and video work at a cost that the Trust can afford. The Trust greatly appreciates the work and the time given by both Clare and her husband Adrian - the "Image Central Team" - in support of our Trail.

Dave Murphy
Although now retired, Dave follows his past professional involvement with the Rail Trail, with practical assistance, concept planning, some project management and hands-on duties where and when required.

Lauder Beautification Society
The Lauder Station site shines as the centre of the Lauder Community, due largely to the work of the Lauder Beautification Society who raised over $120,000 to return the Lauder Railway Station to its original site.

Anthony Breese, Alison Breese and Mark Sharma make up the Museograph team. The Trust worked with Museograph to complete their interpretation project along the the trail , bringing to life it's rich history and stories. The Rail Tales website, developed by Anthony and Alison Breese, is a wonderful education resource. Thanks Museograph for going the extra distance to support our Trail.

ICL Accountants, Alexandra
ICL Accountants have been providing support and services to the OCRT Trust for more than 10 years, a significant portion of their time is donated and the Trust really appreciate their generous support.

Steve and Carol, owners of Shebikeshebikes, give generously back to the trail all profit made from the sale of the Rail Trail Passports. This contribution is greatly appreciated by the Otago Central Rail Trail Trust.

Bike It Now!
Bike It Now! is 100% locally owned by Duncan Randall, Kathryn Fletcher (Fletch) and Lisa Joyce. This team continues to support the trail by ensuring that every person they put on our trail purchases a Rail Trail passport. The passport is a significant revenue stream for the Trust enabling development and trail enhancements that ensure the trail remains a 'Great Ride'. Thanks Bike It Now!

Keep Alexandra Beautiful
The Keep Alexandra Clyde Beautiful group volunteers have completed a significant planting around the carpark next to the old Alexandra Railway Station site. This is part of a long-term project by the group to beautify sections of the trail within the Alexandra Community.
How much does it cost to ride the Trail?
There is no cost to you to ride the actual trail as it is free. The trail surface and the major infrastructure is managed by the Department of Conservation. All of the information signage, seating, gangers sheds, native plantings, shelters, picnic areas and other projects are the on going work of the Rail Trail Trust. If you would like to contribute, please purchase a Rail Trail Passport or make a donation which would be greatly received and invested back into the trail.
Can I ride the Trail as an independent traveller?
Yes, but please make sure you plan your trip using our map and the Plan page on our webpage. Please also read the Trail Conditions page. Our website has a 'Plan your Trip Guide' and some suggested itineraries you may wish to consider.